Let's Get REEL MICRO VIDEO CONTENT has been a buzz phrase in 2020. Not familiar with the phrase? Think Snapchat, IG Stories, TikTok and the newest player, IG Reels!
With the rise of the Pandemic, 8-60 second video content has proven to be best way to grab and keep audience's attention across industries.
I stand witness to this phenomenon with a 262% increase in my engagement on Instagram.
How? IG REELS! Yep! Producing consistent, strategic 15 second videos helped skyrocket my comments, connections and leads.
I couldn't bare to keep all the goodness to myself so NEXT SUNDAY I'm hosting a workshop to help YOU crack the code and create IG Reels for your business!
YES, it will be held IN PERSON
YES, social distancing will be enforced
YES, we will be discussing strategy and WHAT YOUR AUDIENCE needs to see more of from you
YES, you will leave with your next best REEL
YES, this is a HANDS ON WORKSHOP so bring your curiosity
NO, I can't save a ticket for you
YES, tickets will sell out!
If you're ready to GET REEL about your business, grab your ticket for Let's Get Reel VIP Experience.